Capitalizing diversified Information & Knowledge set to optimize Dynamic Business Solution & Operations
Trans flow of converged information between various applications helps to minimize redundancy & optimize business processes
Trans flow of converged information between various applications helps to minimize redundancy & optimize business processes
Distinct interactive communication establishes brand image & strengthen loyalty between subscribers & the business

With the market incited by frequent changes, enterprises must adapt themselves for rapid market transformations and changing competition. Innovation and differentiation are the two key survival mantras in today’s world. Given the fact that technological innovations lead to transformations within an organisation, the technology innovations at Synverse are geared towards identifying and corroborating emerging technologies, prototyping and building business-centric value propositions that are necessary for enabling the transformation. Leveraging its years of expertise in various industry verticals and technology domains, Synverse works on several emerging technologies and develops expertise and avant-garde solutions for its customers. Synverse Innovation Team is exploring and investing in following concepts and technologies in order to to provide state of art service to customer when it comes to next generation technologies.
Enterprise 2.0 & Web 2.0
The Internet is arguably the best illustration of an agile, interoperable and scalable service-oriented environment in existence. This level of litheness is achieved because of key design principles inherent in the Internet/Web approach, as well as the emergence of Web-centric technologies and standards that endorse these principles. The use of web centric models to construct global class solutions cannot address the full girth of enterprise computing needs. However, Gartner anticipates that continued evolution of the Web-centric approach will enable its use in an ever-broadening set of enterprise solutions during the next five years.
SAAS And Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a style of computing that defines a model in which providers deliver a variety of IT-enabled capabilities to consumers. The key characteristics of cloud computing are the delivery of capabilities “as a service,” delivery of services in a highly scalable and resilient approach, using Internet technologies & techniques to develop and deliver the services, and designing for delivery to external customers. For small companies, while cost reduction is a potential benefit for small companies, the greater benefits are the built-in elasticity and scalability, which not only reduces barrier to entry, but also enable these companies to grow faster. As certain IT functions are industrialising and becoming less personalized, there are more possibilities for larger organisations to gain from cloud computing.
On the other hand, SaaS came into the industry almost 6-8 years ago with a view of conceptualizing software deployment around its delivery, payment mechanism and architecture. Cloud Computing is the recent invention in the market that actually leverages many architectural concepts of SaaS which existed in earlier days of SaaS. Cloud computing is a broad computing concept and SaaS is just one subset of it. Cloud Computing is mainly targeted on serving developers and companies who develop software and services, whereas SaaS only serves end-users of the software. When comparing the two definitions, it becomes apparent that cloud computing is a necessary keystone for a provider to deliver a scalable SaaS that is offered to the market.
Green IT
Shift is now towards more efficient products and approaches to allow for greater number of equipment to fit within an energy footprint, or to fit into a previously filled centre. Regulations are multiplying and have the potential to seriously hamper companies’ growth in building data centres; as the effect of power grids, carbon emissions from increased use and other environmental impacts are under greater scrutiny. It is now crucial for the organisations to consider these regulations and have contingent plans in place for data centre and capacity growth.
“A strategic technology may be an existing technology that has matured and/or become suitable for a wider range of uses,” said Carl Claunch, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner. “It may also be an emerging technology that offers an opportunity for strategic business advantage for early adopters or with potential for significant market disruption in the next five years. Companies should evaluate these technologies and adjust based on their industry need, unique business needs, technology adoption model and other factors.” Courtesy: Gartne
Much of the current buzz is focused on server virtualization, but virtualisation in storage and client devices is extremely dynamic in nature. Virtualisation to eliminate duplicate copies of data on the real storage devices while preserving the illusion to those accessing systems that the files are as originally stored (data duplication) can significantly decrease the cost of storage devices and media to hold pertinent information. Hosted virtual images deliver a near-identical outcome similar to blade-based PCs. But, instead of the motherboard function being located in the data center as hardware, it is located there as a virtual machine bubble.
Enterprise Mobility
Enterprise Mobility ensures ‘anytime, anywhere’ access to your enterprise applications. It augments productivity, condenses response time, and amplifies customer & employee satisfaction.